One Year

It has been a year. I can't believe I spent this much on my mouth this past 12 months.

  1. The metals: 30,000++
  2. The removed tonsils: 20,000+++
The comfort: priceless!

The recurring tonsilitis went away; sleep apnea was gone too! I don't spend 3000++ for antibiotics every time my tonsils become inflamed and infected. I was able to minimize my sick LOAs too.

Re the metals: my off centered lower teeth are now nearing the middle. The pull being done is very painful and very uncomfortable especially when I'm not distracted. Yup, if I'm focused on a task, the pain goes away but comes back when I'm idle.

The upper teeth have been pulled back and they're halfway to their final points. And yup, they too are very painful especially within a week after each adjustment.

I'm looking forward to the end of this!

Painful yellow

I had my wires adjusted yesterday. It's now very painful (3/5) due to the gap that was being closed on my lower right mandible. I opted for yellow this time which looks almost invisible because of the stretching done.
I won't take pain meds though.


Yesterday. I opted for orange this time, ERAP. :)

The dentist notices movements. I don't.

And it's 7th months old already.

3rd Adjustment

I fell asleep while waiting for my turn in the dentist's office. LOL.
The top wire was replaced with a colored one, I don't know why. Elastics were placed to close the gap created by the extracted teeth. Additional wires, I don't know what they're called, were placed.
On the bottom set, one bracket was removed and replaced. The bottom gap is still wide.
I had maroon bottom rubbers.

2nd Adjustment

Anlaki na ng improvement! Lalo na yung sa dati kong nakahigang ngipin. Dark blue ang choice ko ngayon sa rubber. Next adjustment hihilahin na daw yung ipin na may malaking space.
Sinumpa ko na pala yung light colored rubber.

Ilang araw na akong di sumusulpot sa dentista, busy kasi sa work. Huling-huli na ako sa adjustment! Ayaw kasi nya magbukas ng gabi. Bwiset!


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